Weight Loss for Life: 30-Day Workshop

Unlock the Secrets to Lifelong Weight Management

STay Tuned for the next workshop!

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards lifelong weight management?

Our workshop takes a holistic approach, emphasizing the crucial role of understanding your body for sustainable weight loss. It’s not just about shedding pounds but creating a lifelong connection with your body’s unique needs. We explore hydration, digestion, nutrients, and personalized strategies, providing you with the tools to achieve and maintain a healthier you. Join us on a transformative journey towards lasting change through body awareness.

What we Cover


The foundation of health and its role in weight loss.


Boosting digestion for optimal nutrient absorption.

Vitamins & Minerals

Its crucial role in metabolism and energy.

Healthy Fats

Debunking myths and understanding their importance.

A Day in Eating

Real-life examples to guide your food choices.

Bowel Movements

The link between regularity and weight loss.

Benefits of High-Protein

Explore this diet’s potential for weight loss.

Traps & Pitfalls

Navigate challenges that can hinder progress.

Time-Restricted Eating

Harness the benefits of intermittent fasting.

Food Intolerances

Identify and manage for weight loss success.

Blood Sugar Tools

Measure and manage for optimal weight loss.

Body Movement

Simple strategies like walking for impactful results.

Metabolism Hacks

Boost your burn rate naturally.

Personalized Approach

Learn what uniquely works for your body.



By joining our “Weight Loss for Life: 30-Day Workshop,” you’ll unlock a world of transformative benefits.

  • Lifelong Tools: Gain invaluable insights and strategies for lifelong weight management.
  • Personalized Approach: Discover what uniquely works for your body and tailor your journey accordingly.
  • Holistic Understanding: Explore comprehensive lessons on hydration, digestion, nutrients, and more for a holistic view of your health.
  • Supportive Community: Become part of a supportive community of like-minded individuals, all on a similar path to lasting change.
  • Expert Guidance: Access Jennifer Marie Garza’s expertise as a renowned Keto cookbook author and weight loss expert.
  • Accountability: Stay accountable to your goals with weekly Facebook Live sessions and ongoing private group support.
  • Sustainable Transformation: Equip yourself with the knowledge and support needed to achieve and maintain a healthier lifestyle.
  • Confidence: Navigate challenges and pitfalls with confidence, knowing you have the tools to overcome them.

Meet Jennifer Marie

Jennifer Marie stands as a beacon of inspiration in the weight loss and keto community. As a renowned Keto cookbook author and weight loss expert, she has dedicated years to crafting recipes that not only tantalize the taste buds but also offer a beacon of encouragement to those on their weight loss journey. 

Jennifer’s own path to discovering what truly works in weight management is a testament to her resilience and determination; she has navigated the maze of countless diets to distill the essence of genuine, sustainable weight loss. Her influence extends far and wide, managing some of the most prominent keto groups on Facebook. Moreover, her recipe blog, LowCarbInspirations.com, attracts millions of visitors, all seeking her expert advice, delectable recipes, and unwavering support. 

With Jennifer, you’re not just learning from an expert; you’re embarking on a transformative journey with a guide who’s walked the path and emerged triumphant.

Support & Accountability

Embarking on a transformative journey is more achievable with the right support. Jennifer understands this deeply, offering a unique blend of expertise and community backing. 

Every Monday evening at 7pm CST, join her for an exclusive 1-hour Facebook Live session in a private group. Here, she’ll tackle questions, share insights, and celebrate your progress. 

Beyond these sessions, the group serves as a haven of encouragement, where members uplift each other. With Jennifer’s guidance and a supportive community by your side, your path to weight loss becomes not just attainable, but truly enriching.


One Time Payment


  • Guided workshop starting SOON! Date To Be Announced
  • 17 Informative Video Modules ($850 value)
  • Helpful guides & downloads ($150 value)
  • Access to private online community for support & accountability ($300 value)
  • Once weekly live coaching calls ($400 value)
  • Successful Keto in 30 Days Journal ($40 value)
  • OR take the SELF GUIDED WORKSHOP for 1/2 the price!


This workshop is perfect for anyone committed to lifelong weight management. Whether you’re new to weight loss or seeking a sustainable approach, all levels are welcome. If you’re ready to discover the keys to lasting change and a healthier you, join us on this transformative journey.

This workshop is not suitable for individuals who follow a vegetarian diet.

Initially, you may find it beneficial to follow specific food guidelines as you work towards mastering your blood sugar regulation. However, as you progress and gain control over your blood sugar, you’ll gradually expand your food choices. Our aim is to empower you to make informed decisions and provide you with the flexibility to enjoy a broader range of foods once you’ve achieved mastery over your blood sugar regulation. It’s about starting with a structured approach and transitioning to more choices as you progress on your journey.

We value your time and understand that life can be busy. For this workshop, we recommend setting aside approximately 2 hours each week to engage with and learn the lessons. This allows for a manageable and enriching pace, ensuring you have ample time to absorb the content, engage with the community, and integrate what you learn into your daily life. We’re here to support you on your journey, and this time commitment is designed to be both effective and accommodating to your schedule.

Yes, you can view it here.